Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, portrayed by Mark Harmon in “NCIS,” is a character whose stoic demeanor conceals a rich military history. Throughout the show, Gibbs’ past has been unveiled, offering insights into his relationships and his time in the Armed Forces. One significant aspect of his military service is his receipt of the Purple Heart, an honor bestowed by the President of the United States upon those wounded or killed in the line of duty.
In the third season’s episode, “Hiatus (Part I),” it’s disclosed that Gibbs earned the Purple Heart during the Gulf War as part of Operation Desert Storm, where he endured wounds that placed him in a 19-day coma. Remarkably, Gibbs never openly discussed his Purple Heart, emphasizing his dedication to the mission over personal recognition. This characteristic aligns with the fundamental traits that Gibbs fans have admired over the years.
Gibbs’ military service goes beyond the Purple Heart, encompassing accolades such as the Silver Star, Combat Action Ribbon, and Navy Unit Commendation. Despite his numerous achievements, Gibbs remains humble, a testament to his character’s nature. His time in the military, coupled with personal losses like his wife and daughter while overseas, has profoundly shaped him. Episodes like “The Arizona” in Season 17 showcase Gibbs’ emotional connection to fellow military members, emphasizing his understanding that, in the end, it’s the people, not the awards, that matter the most.